Friday, August 14, 2009


My 3

Three Names I go by
1. Brittann
2. Brity
3. Britt

Three Jobs I have had in my life
1. Abercrombie and Fitch
2. Nordstrom-Bare Escentuals
3. Assistant

Three Places I have lived
1. Provo utah :/
2. Las Vegas Nevada West
3. Las Vegas Nevada South lol

Three Favorite drinks
1. Water
2. cherry 7-up
3. skinny cow chocolate milk

Three TV Shows that I watch
1. Greys Anatomy

2. So You Think You Can Dance
3. Gossip Girl

Three places I have been
1. France
2. Austria
3. England

Three People that text me regularly
1. Jordan
2. Mom
3. Dad(haha)

Three of my favorite foods
1. Dippy Eggs
2. Yogurt
3. Fruit, yum! all kinds

Three Things I am looking forward to
1.Getting my hair done tomorrow!
2. Learning to sew w/ the best teacher ever, my momsy
3. winter/holidays=family time :)

Three of my favorite clothing items
1.My Hudson Jeans
2. My Ruffle black skirt, goes with so many shirts

3. My cream cardigan, quick fix for modesty

Three places I would like to go
1. Australia
2. Taiwan (Jordan served there)
3. Italy

Three things that will make me cry
1. Saying goodbye. Especially to my parents. I cried my eyes out when they left me in Provo.
2. I have a soft spot for lonely people. they make me cry, if someone else is sad, it makes me sad.
3. When i make someone sad by something i did. Disappointment.

Three things that will make me angry
1. When people Gossip about a situation and they really dont even know the person in which the situation relates to.
2. When the scale says 130 lol. i work hard to stay in the 120's.
3. When someone hurts someone i love.

Three "perfect dates"
1. A nice day at Red Rock Spa. Couples massage, then a nice steak dinner.
2. Going to your favorite dinner spot, getting yogurtland and sneaking it into the movie theaters. Movie choice- a funny comedy....or romantic will do also. 500 days of summer! loved it!

3. Getting some friends together... go to in n out, go play BINGO (im addicted, yes i am 21) and finish up the night at Serendipity with some frozen hot chocolate and a card game of 9's.

I Tag: Anyone who feels up to the THREE!