Monday, August 3, 2009


Well my Birthday was Wednesday. The big 21. Tuesday night was awesome, Jordan gets home early on Tuesdays (i love Tuesdays) so he took me out to dinner at Texas de Brazil. Mmmm it was so Yummy. I highly recommend it if you like meat. Its one of those places where they bring around meat until you cant think of taking another bite.

Mmmm this dessert was so yummy. I got to choose any dessert off the menu for my B-Day and i was happy with my choice. I was delicious, i dont know exactly what it was, some sort of banana dessert. Those cookie dough looking thinkgs are actually chunks of banana bread. Mmmm it made a great Birthday Breakfast!

When we got home from dinner jordan had some presents wrapped on the table. I first opened some awesome running shoes that are honestly the most comfortable things ever! They are nike, he got them at the nordys anniversary sale, huge surprise and i love them! The next gift i opened was a Michael Kors gold watch!! I have been talking about this watch since december, little did he know Michael Kors had lots of Womens gold watches sooo.... it followed with three more! haha he didnt know which one i would like best so he bought them all so i could choose! What a good husband i have!

Im not even kidding my arm hurt having all these watched on! haha. Jordan definitely was a good birthday husband! And even continued to be the next day....
I love that I am 21. I had an awesome Birthday! Most of my Family was out of town so i didnt know how it would be but it was so great! Wednesday was my actual birthday. I woke up and ate dessert for breakfast, so it already was a special day... cause i never do that. One of my Best friends Rachel entertained me all day. We had so much fun, and it was really great to hang out with her! i cant believe we didnt take one picture all day!! so the picture below is a picture from my 20th birthday. Anyways we started our afternoon out at Nordstrom. Where we returned some watches, ate some lunch, and shopped. We then made our way over to the New Forever 21 at Meadows, which is awesome! Before we knew it, it was 5:30!
Grannybird wanted to take me to dinner for my birthday so i let her choose, we went to carrabas with Zach&Zaira, her, and me and Jordan.
Zach likes to be a Goober. After we were done eating, we went and met some of my friends @ Yogurtland, my favorite place ever! love it.
After Yogurtland it was time for Cake and Presents!
Happy Birthday to me...

The Birthday Cake Crew. (minus Zach who is taking the pic)
He is the BEST.
This Cake was SO YUMMY! Jordan got it at a Bakery from inside his work.
Thursday night i found a little surprise on my doorstep. A package from Amy! She is Amazing. It was full of lots of fun things. Thanks Peterson Family! Love you guys.
Then Sunday my wonderful in-laws had a Birthday dinner for me, home-made ice cream and all! Not to mention Awesome Presents.
I am for sure a LUCKY LUCKY GIRL!
Thanks everyone for making my birthday so special and wonderful, i love you all!!