Thursday, September 10, 2009

Best Friends and Brittany's

Yesterday nigh around 830, i got a text from jordan that said "have you got the call", i was super confused. Then my phone rang and it was my friend Brittany. I answered and she said " are you home, me and brad are gonna come see you".... I instantly knew THEY ARE ENGAGED. So they walked into my house and the first thing i did was look at her left hand and then started screaming. AHHHH We really are so happy and excited for them!!!!! The best part is we are gonna have close married friends! I remember the first time we met Britt. Brad, Jordan, and I were shopping in Wal-Mart and Brittany said to Jordan... are you mormon, i think i know you. Of course i instantly said oh you prob hooked up with him, then brad stayed and talked to her. haha oh funny funny! Brads house is right next to ours and they will be in our ward! WE ARE SO EXCITED! when we woke up we said, "BRAD AND BRITT ARE ENGAGED" so heres to best friends and brittanys! we cant wait.... thank you 09-09-09 for bringing us such great news.