Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Lake Paradise

So the past 4 days, well Friday through Monday, have been... Paradise.
We left Thursday afternoon for Lake Powell with Britts  family and it was so fun! The only thing missing was Zach and Zaira. Brits family has been going to lake powell for years and years, but i have only been there once before, many many years ago. Let me tell you, this trip was way better than I remembered. I had never ridden a wave runner before, but I loved it so much that I think i probably went through 2 tanks of gas by myself! It was so much fun! I loved taking Tyler, Savana, and Brooklyn out on the wave runners too. I think they loved riding almost as much as I did.
I could probably write forever talking about all the little kiddies and their funny moments, the great beach that the parcels saved us, the weather, and just the great Labor day weekend that I got to have with the most amazing wife in the world! I love Brittany so much and am so greatful for her and the wonderful family that she has! Anyways, I just wanted to blog about the wonderful long weekend at lake paradise!
p.s. we really missed you Zach and Zaira. wish you guys could have made it!