Wednesday, October 28, 2009


My dad loves Halloween, he is the king of it. He always has the best costume and carves the best pumpkins. My grandpa fell and broke his ribs and is in a lot of pain in the hospital so my dad needed to get up to logan to be with him.... but each halloween we always get together, make mummy hot dogs, carve pumpkins and decorate cookies. So he stayed till monday just so he didnt miss out on one of his favorite times during the year. The family missed Amy and Steve and the kids and Zach and Zaira. We cant wait to see all of them next month. My mom and i spent the day getting ready for the fhe party. Brooklyn Brady Cooper Kara Josh and Jordan got to my mom and dads at six and the party started! here are the pumpkins we carved. Jordan and i did the skull. Also my mom got these awesome lights at her work that have remotes to turn them off and on! thank you Williams and Sonoma!