Monday, December 7, 2009


The past month i really have felt like the biggest slacker when it comes to nursery. Jordan had swine flu, well he got tested for it and they never told us but they started him on tamiflu and he is much better... i just like to say he had it cause it sounds way more dramatic. So we have missed some sundays, and im usually thinking up a craft and such saturday night if im lucky or early sunday morning. Well this month is different, its my favorite month so i spent this past weekend planning all my lessons. I am gonna do a Christmas story with a craft or something to go along with the story each sunday of this month. Also I am in the process of thinking of a cute nativity lesson. This past Sunday was "The Polar Express" i Loved doing story time. The kids LOVED it and were so into it. One of the little girls Emma who is total girl, stood up at the end in excitement when the little boy gets the bell back shouting "YES!". It was cute. Then i gave them bells. So goodbye Slacker nursery teacher of November and hello prepared nursery teacher of December.