Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Incase you havent heard.

Just incase you havent heard! I am 18 weeks pregnant. I just assumed the word would get out but to this day people are like "what, you are pregnant"... so YES the rumors are TRUE. I am almost half way done! It has been a very easy pregnancy thus far. No throwing up. Only twice and i swear it was from the swine flu shot! In the first trimester i had my days where i wandered if i was even pregnant. in 13 days we have the appt to find out the sex of our little baby! We are so excited... i already got some cute seven maternity jeans thanks to my sister in-law Kara! I am still in my normal clothes but my tummy is definately changing! So if I am looking a bit on the chubby side, give me a break im growing a HUMAN inside of me. So the question is will it be Hadley or Hudson? I swear all my friends and EVERYONE i talk to says "your having a girl i can tell" so we will all laugh when they say its a boy! Either way is great, although i admit i would love to decorate a little girl nursery. We will see! Thats my EXCITING news for the night... incase you havent heard.