Friday, January 29, 2010

The Seager Scoop.

Its been a great week... we went to the doctor on monday and were surprised to find out little Hudson was on his way, not Hadley. Maybe my dream of having boy. boy. girl. will come true! Im 5 months! i cant believe it. I see pictures of my friends at 20 weeks and i look nothing like them! i am not really showing yet and it scares me but Doc. Harter says im measuring just fine.  Jordan is back at corporate (RED ROCK). I think he misses Palace a bit... he had a lot of good customers who loved jordan. He barely has time to blink at corporate he is so so busy there, but he is training to be a manager or something like that. Station Casinos is very good to him and I am grateful for that! We went and saw Lion King last night and it was AMAZING! seriously! everyone must go see that! loved it so much. We took Jordans Parents and my Parents to it for their Christmas Present... we had lots of fun and even got to go to cheesecake factory! YUM. I moved Salons... i was at Belle Chevuex and now im at Eaze. I LOVE IT! they are so good to us there and everyone is SUPER nice. I FINALLY cleaned our house today... it was a mess. seriously a disaster, our laundry was out of control. What in the world am i going to do when i have a house full of kids? eek, i cant even imagine. We got... Released from Nursery. SAD. i will miss all those little boys and the 2 little girls. Seriously i fell in love with all those kids. Nothing sounds... yummy to eat lately . Seriously i eat cause i have to feed baby but all i want is strawberries. Thats ok right? I cant wait.. untill "VALENTINES DAY" (the movie) comes out! there are so many great actors/actresses in that movie that i love! so fun! I am... about to move jordans couches out and move in my darling pottery barn couch. he said i can if i sell his. booo. I dreamt last night that i came home and they were in my living room and then i woke up only to find out they werent. I put.. PINK extensions in my niece Brooklyns hair.. haha yes she is six and has expensive lock in extensions. but we only put in two, her dad isnt too happy. But hey she is the only girl in their family so its good to get the dad going... I adore my nieces and nephews, seriously i LOVE them. We are doing great... Jordan is so so busy, i hardly see him... but its all worth it! And i am so very grateful i have a hard working husband! 18 credits and 40 hours of work= BUSY.