Thursday, February 18, 2010

i dont like.

OK ok... so i really really DONT LIKE boy blessing outfits. I think they are awful. seriously awful. I was talkling to my mom the other day about it and i just cant stand them. I think they are so cheesy. When mu mom agrees with that, you know they are cheesy considering she thinks all baby stuff is oh "so cute". My mom has my blessing dress hanging up in her closet and i was admiring how pretty it is. Little girl blessings are so much more prettier! dont you agree? They get to wear beautiful blessing dresses, bows, bracelets. I just love when little girls are all dressed up in their blessing outfits, and my day will come when i get to put my little girl in her pretty white dress with an oversized bow and beautiful bracelet... as for now all i am going to say is there is NO way i am putting Hudson in one of those cheesy little boy blessing outfits. Can you guys tell im very concerned about this?. So anyways i was at a boy blessing a couple months back and the couple put their little boy is the most darling outfit, it wasnt all white but he looked so dang cute, a total stud. so at work yesterday i was talking to my client about how cheesy boy blessing outfits are! She has a little boy and a little girl and she agreed. I asked her if she thought it was ok if i just went to baby gap or something and got him a cute outfit, a nice church one and she thought of course, thats what she did. So i know its a while away but you will not be seeing Hudson in a cheesy Boy "blessing Bubble outfit"... its a good thing my mom makes every grandchild a beautiful/wonderful afgan so if i dont pull it off with a study outfit ill just cover him in the blanket ;). Ps. dont be offended if you put your boys in cheesy bubble outfits, i dont think any less of you! i just dont prefer them.