Thursday, February 25, 2010


So i have been taking an Adobe Photoshop class and i am loving it. I have worked with Adobe photoshop before but there is so so much to know about it and so so much you can do with it. Its a ten week class, we have learned tons so far, and i love the scrapbooking part of it that goes along with it. I started the class because when i have kids i want to digital scrapbook, and being that Hudson is on his way it got me going. My sister always makes the most darling invitations and all that jazz so i am excited i wont have to call her begging to help me when i need something creative and cute. Anyways tonights class we learned about the magnetic lasso, quick select tool, and Magic wand tool. I surprisingly already knew how to do this but i cant resist showing the pictures cause i loved the way they looked. Its super easy to do.... but its so fun! i love PHOTOSHOP! cant wait for class next week! we are learning LOTS next week. i hope i keep up.
can Hudson please be this adorable/beautiful/handsome. I love my little dax, i love all my nephews Josh! just so we are clear on that ;).