Saturday, March 6, 2010

Happy Birthday Father Dearest!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY POPS! He is seriously the BEST dad. Heres a few of my favorite things about him: He is always willing to help, anyone. he is so so giving!
                  He wakes up at the crack of dawn. In high school before seminary he always had these huge breakfasts ready for us to eat.
                  He is a Goof ball. most of the time when he says "yeah baby, yeah baby"
                  He cant sit still. Seriously we call him A.D.D. boy.
                  He has curly hair, and i love cutting it.
                  He is a hard worker! He is never ever not doing anything. only at night will you find him inside on the couch eating Vanilla ice cream. its his favotie.
                  He is a softy.
                  He can be the manliest man and do anything or fix anything, but then he is the one who decorates the house for christmas and organizes flowers.
                  He is the best BBQer. Nobodies steaks, or tritip compairs to how my dad grills it. mmm. he is a pro. oh and salmon too!
                  He loves his wife. He takes care of his dad when nobody else does. He is the BEST dad and i could go on and on and on about this. He seriously rock and we are so lucky to have him as our Pops. WE LOVE YOU DAD! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! we will celebrate Tuesday when you get home!