Wednesday, March 3, 2010

seager scoop.

Things are going great! our living room is currently empty with no couches, we sold them. The missionaries are down stairs with jordan in a meeting wandering why we have no couches when we had couches last Wednesday. I went to Glaciers tonight and i LOVED it. I will forever buy my groceries there. its so clean and nice. It reminds me of Whole Foods in a non whole foods kind of way. Never schedule 7 clients right in a row when you are 6 months pregnant, i dont think i will get out of bed tomorrow, and when jordan comes home and asks me what i did... ill say i am growing a human. Its my reasoning for many things. I really just have to say how Proud of Jordan i am. He is such a hard worker and tries his best at everything. About a month back Jordan got Moved from Palace Station back to Corporate (Red Rock). A month after that happened they gave him a Promotion, he is now Assistant General Manager at one of there wildfire locations. Station Casinos is very good to jordan, and its great cause he keeps progressing. Which is good for jordan so he never gets bored. He is a BUSY boy... 18 credits of school, full time work... i wouldnt be able to do it, and some days i wander how he does it. But he is done with school VERY soon! like beg of May! hip hop HOORAY! He is LOVING his new job. Congratulations jord! I am very Lucky and i am grateful for everything i have been blessed with. Its my pops birthday on Sunday and Gladis Knight has stolen my parents away... my mom went early cause Gladis wanted her to play tennis with her tomorrow. My sister is going to Sea World and she said i can come but i dont want jordan to get too jealous, even though i would love love love to see her kids. Hope everyone is doing great! HAPPY MARCH! and Happy soon to be 26 weeks! yes i am finally starting to show, but still wearing my normal jeans, sometimes when i eat i have to unbutton them.