Thursday, August 20, 2009

Dax is ONE?!

My cute little nephew Dax is one today! I cant even believe it! i still feel like he is 6 months, and he is walking! My sister lives in AZ, being that her husband has a good job there. I try to be positive about it but honestly it totally Sucks. I loved her living here, she was at my mom and dads all the time with her kids cause steve was so busy with school. It was awesome. Being that Dax is the youngest i havent gotten to spend tons of time with him like i did when Ty and Savannah were little... but all i know is that i Love the heck out of this little boy and that every time i am around dax he is such a happy baby and such a joy to our family. I get to babysit him on Saturday and I am so EXCITED! I love you Dax and Happy BIRTHDAY! Cant wait to celebrate at Lake Powell! xoxo, Aunt Britty.

Paige put her doll by him when he was sleeping. Such a nice sister

Happy First BIRTHDAY!