Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Anxiously Awaiting.

So i was at Joanns with my mom yesterday and we bought a really cute Halloween Magazine. And it made me beyond anxious for HALLOWEEN! I cant wait for the Holidays, and Halloween is the first one! Plus I am Pretty sure its my Dads FAVORITE holiday! He always gets so into it! My parents House is Always Decked out for Every Holiday, but Halloween is so fun at their house! They have this Talking head and a huge spooky tree they put up. Its awesome! We carve pumpkins with the family and my dad gets some sort of mask to scare all the grandkids. HILARIOUS. I think my dad has the best Halloween costume every year. He is so funny during Halloween, he LOVES it. My parents are the reason i love Holidays so much! I cant wait for the day when i have as many Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas decorations as them! I dont know if i will ever have as many Christmas decorations as them. Anyways the point is I am anxiously awaiting for Halloween! it starts all the festivities and i cant wait for all the Halloween fun at my parents! Heres some things we will make for the party! Yey for holidays... now hurry up OCTOBER. We are ready!