Monday, November 23, 2009


Its one of my most favorite holidays. Thanksgiving! i just love being with my family ALL day. My mom is the most amazing cook, nobody else comes close. I love the smells that fill the air, i love the football playing on the tv, i love all the little kids running around, I love my dad in his apron, I love the homemade stuffing, I love my moms famous Apple pie...the one that when people taste it come running for the recipe, i love the way the house looks so pretty and festive. I just love everything about it... most of all FAMILY. My Family is so great, i am so blessed to have such an awesome family. I am so excited this year because ALL my family will be here! So i hope everyone Enjoys Thanksgiving as much as i will! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
.I am thankful for.
.the gospel.
.the temple.
.my wonderful husband.
.my amazing Parents.
.my grannybird.
.my siblings and their spouses.
.my cute nieces and nephews.
.my inlaws.
.us weekly.
.my clients.
.my job.
.my cute nursery kids.
.my friends.
.our house when its clean:).
.Ellen she is funny.
amd a WHOLE lot more! happy thanksgiving everyone!