Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wait... WHAT?

My sister/sister in law are major coupon shoppers. My sister got into it, then got my sister in law to it. My sister was in town and we went to lunch, then after, little did i know... we would be shopping for 5 hours. I came to realize that my sister saves tons of money. Who doesnt like to save money? Anyways she got this Leap Frog Catapilar toy for 49CENTS. yes CENTS. It is regularly 20 dollars! Then She got this cute Mr.Potato head thats regularly $7 for 0.99 CENTS! So then my sister and mom decided it would be cute if i gave them to my nursery kids for christmas... i mean come on 0.99 CENTS! So you can only Pring 2 coupons per computer so i have had my parents print some, sister in-law and sister. I have a big nursery, so i may be calling you to come print some coupons haha! My sister told me she has gotten ALL of her kids Christmas toys discounted! she got these three barbies and movie for her girls for a great deal also. Anyways just thought i would tell you all about my amazing shopping experience with my momsy and sister! Oh yeah one more story. one time with my sister in law i got 5 boxes of Kashi Cereal for $5.00. Simply Amazing.