Wednesday, December 2, 2009


So much to say! Thanksgiving this year was absolutely amazing! loved it! All my family was here, it was beyond a blast and i never wanted it to end. I think that whole week i was maybe at my house for 8 hours haha and that was just to sleep. I would go to my parents in the morning and not come home until late late at night. I even slept over there like 3 times. Jordan worked everyday, minus thursday so it was nice having the crazy family around. I love my nieces and nephews they are so sweet and just brighten up the house, even though they sure know how to make messes ;). But i love it so much, I am the youngest one in my family but i feel like the old one now. Its kinda fun. Even though i am still my parents baby. We had such a fun week. We went and saw Blindside! it was awesome! Must see it if you havent. went shopping, cooked, mom tried to teach me how to bake her yummy pies, went to the rebel game(my family is hard core rebel fans, especially my bro josh), laughed, watched movies, went to build a bear, shopped at west elm with moms discount, ate lots of delicious food, celebrated Savannah's birthday, did all my families hair, took family pictures... and much more. The Zobrist family is very close and usually we all have thanksgiving together but our families are getting very big. So our family of 17 plus grannybird, the Dyes since 4 were missing from their family, then Uncle Richard and Aunt Angie and Karly since more than i can count were gone from their family joined us! It was an awesome Thanksgiving at my parents! now having another family I am realizing just how loud and crazy my family is. Whenever we go over to the seagers its a lot more peaceful. Its good, it brings some variety into our lives. I wish i took more pictures, but here are some i have! Hope everyones Thanksgiving was awesome!

My Dads famous pumpkin vase flowers. He is good isnt he!? makes them every year

mmm my moms famous apple pie! the best apple pie you will ever taste. Best part... the crumb top!