Friday, January 29, 2010

Did you watch OPRAH today?

well i did. Yes i watched Oprah, dont laugh. I am already turning into an old lady. Today on her show, (and i get the feeling she is promoting this and its been going on for a while) she is doing this "no phone zone" pledge. I think its good. Cell phones are so dangerous in the car, especially TEXTING! yes, i am guilty of this. You know you are too!  The lady on the show today pledging said she just puts her cell phone in the back of her car so she isnt even tempted! Did you know cell phone-distracted drivers killed more than 6,000 people and injured more than 500,000 people in 2008... and the number keeps growing. i read a story about a mother who was killed from another driver due to TEXTING! to texting. so sad. just google it and you will see tons of stories about deaths just from a dang text message. So put your cell phones down while you are in the car! If its that important take 5 min to pull over instead of taking someones life. PLEDGE TODAY! click here to pledge