Monday, February 1, 2010


Anyone who knows me knows im a sucker for ALL holidays. I love HOLIDAYS! I get overly anxious to decorate my house or really excited about my favorite candies coming out during that time of year.  Valentines is always a fun holiday. The pink and red, the candy, the homemade cards, Sugar cookies, chocolate dipped strawberries, and the celebration of LOVE.MMM and how could i forget about the raspberry white chocolate hugs. I ALWAYS miss my sister and her kids on Valentines day. Every Valentines day I would get home from school and my room would be heart attacked with a huge banner of painted hearts by her kids, and a treat plate with fresh chocolate dipped tuxedo strawberries on my bed. I ALWAYS looked forward to that and i ALWAYS miss it. They would do it to my parents room, my aunt and uncles house, grannybirds, etc. I am sure we all miss it. My sister is so crafty. I hate you ARIZONA. Give me my sister and her family back. thanks. Anyways im so excited that today is FEBRUARY and its finally OK to have your valentine decorations out, and go to JULIE JANE paper company and buy some valentines paper to make some cute cards. HAPPY FEBRUARY.