Monday, March 8, 2010

I miss.

I have NOTHING to complain about with my pregnancy. Absolutely nothing. Dr. Harter always tells me im one of those girls that all the sick and miserable pregnant women hate due to the fact i have not been sick and miserable. Sure maybe i've had some days but i really am grateful that i have felt so good. Before i was pregnant i was up to running 5-7 miles, doing p90X... and it was great. Let me just tell you. Saturday morning, it was a perfect morning so i ventured out on a run, or in this case you can call it a Jog. I decided i was gonna run just 3 miles... let me remind you i am 6 months pregnant and the last time i ran on the street i was 3 months. So when i hit about a mile oh my, my stomach was cramping up soo bad. So bad. so for the rest of the 2 miles i had to go i would speed walk then jog speed walk then jog. I miss those long mile runs, i miss  that feeling of being so tired from running so hard, i miss p90X and not being able to sit down on the toilet without feeling horrific pain, i miss Bikram Yoga and dripping sweat, i miss the steam room and sauna. I am not complaining im just stating the fact. Being pregnant is a blessing, and a miracle and i really am grateful, but i am allowed to miss things right? So as for now I will stick to the eliptical and love it and live through my dads daily 10 mile runs.  Only 3 more months then i can start breaking out the running stroller. Ok maybe 4 and a half months before we go that far. :) Oh also i really really miss sleeping on my belly. I still could but i heard its bad for the baby so i stopped like 2 months ago...