Monday, March 8, 2010

I'll call this story: The Bagger Boy.

So remember that time i said i'll forever buy my groceries at GLACIERS? ya well i lied and i went to smiths, and boy do i regret it. Let me just tell you about my morning experience with the bagger boy and Brittany (me). So Jordan is the ward mission leader, and we are having the missionaries over for dinner tonight. Im making French Dip sandwiches with apple salad, and fench fries for the sides. Dessert: individual Raspberry cobblers with vanilla ice cream. So i head out to the Grocery store around 9:45. Check out. As im loading my groceries in my car i realize im missing my hogie rolls from the bakery, so i go back in. The bagger boy doesnt know what to tell me looks to his right and  3 isles down theres a cart with my hogie rolls. Perfect, grab the rolls and move on with my day. Thats trip number 1 back to Smiths. So i get home, clean up the kitchen, get dinner started and it dawns on me... i dont remember putting the ice cream in the freezer, great its in the car. Walk to the car and the ice cream isnt in there. So i head back to smiths, tell the same cashier who checked me out that my ice cream is also missing, as i walk back to the freezer section i realize i didnt get my french fries either so i grab a bag of those. As i am checking out a new bagger boy says "oh your the french fry and ice cream lady" yep thats me. Grab my stuff and move on with my day. Thats trip number 2 back to Smiths. The minute i get home i go to start dessert and what do you know AHHH THE BUTTER i didnt get my butter either. You would think by now i would have checked my receipt but how hard is it to put the groceries in the cart, oh bagger boy! So i head out the door back to you know where, walk in get my butter, tell the cashier as she is in aww of how this possibly could have happened. As im walking out there is a fridge of drinks and inside the fridge was a bag of butter! what the HECK happened? really smiths, lets teach bagger boy how to put the groceries in one cart instead of having all my groceries scattered around in random places. The thing that gets me is that its not like all the items that were missing were even in one spot. Anyways by the time i went back for my butter i finally checked my receipt. Trip number 3 to Smiths and im happy to say i will not be going back... at least not today!